![[9] by An Tôn-Thất and _blank_ by Đỗ Tấn Sĩ were composed separately to accompany the paintings of the 9 characters showcased in the exhibition. Inspired by the paintings, both composers create their musical piece. The point was to suggest some, am](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5853e315ebbd1abde9c8f80b/1491937854889-88ZOX57XWPR9KT2A8X32/exhibition+music.jpg)

Beauté-Faux is a collaboration based project initiated by visual artist Tran Nguyen Trung Tin.
"By reimagining my past events and dreamscapes as visual impersonal imagery and sounds, the project is my practice to question and reconsider my own memories and thoughts as your mind sometimes tends to make up unreal memories, so real that you actually thought they did happen. The project also view the frustration of how people feel easier to processed ugly truths clipped with beautiful images."
Beauté-Faux tells the story about 09 fictional characters related to each other in one way or another. These characters reflex different aspects of the artist himself. The project includes 03 parts that expand into 09 chapters, each of which tell the story of the individual character, using different visual material such as painting, sound installation, sculpture, performance...

Watercolour, ink, thread & ribbon embroidery, tinted plastic on triple-layered silk.
He’s a silver spoon. He’s sweet, analytic but ignorance. He always tries to keep things real since he’s been broken before but somehow still manages to be dreamy. He thinks everything should revolve around him. He never really grows up. He made mistakes. But he never learnt from them.

Watercolour, ink, acrylic on triple-layered silk.
Peter’s second personality. The one that hides in the closet. She only feels safe in her triangular room. She’s the rebel waiting to break loose. Skeptical, feisty and moody. She’s fueled with sarcasm. She never lets Peter trust anyone easily because she thinks nobody should be trust.

Watercolour, ink, thread embroidery, sequins on triple-layered silk.
“sugar, spice, and everything nice”
Peter’s bestfriend. Calm and optimistic. She’s the scope that filter what Peter see; the Kintsukuroi that heals him. And she’s one of a few who can see Dolores. Her name is an anagram for “third eye” which Dolores came up with.

Watercolour, ink, thread embroidery on triple-layered silk.
Sophisticated as a peacock and resilient as a jellyfish. She’s the treasure Peter wants to hide from the rest of the world. She’s such a chaotic maze that you’ll get lost trying to figure her out. And she constantly reminds Peter of his origin.

Watercolour, ink, thread & ribbon embroidery on triple-layered silk.
Tough and beautiful like a skeleton. He breathed life into Peter. Peter always looks up to him. But no matter how hard Peter tries, he can never make Petrus proud of him.

Watercolour, ink, thread embroidery on triple-layered silk.
Vicious and passive aggressive. It makes Peter feel he isn’t worthy of anything. A nightmare that blocks every sweet dream. It told Peter that he looks like Pinocchio. But in this case, the one never got to be a real boy.

Watercolour, ink, thread embroidery on triple-layered silk.
Dan lives in another planet inside of Peter. He is pretty eccentric. He has 3 crowds that he keeps as pet. He has no eye but a circuit board instead; the crowds help him know what happen by constantly change the input of the wires on the board. He would love for his friends to call him Link if he had any friend at all. He’s the reason Peter has antlers like his mother’s.

Watercolour, ink, acrylic, sequin on triple-layered silk.
He’s an unusual lump under Peter’s armpit that one day finally fell off. The one with many eyes and a monocle! Mr. Tumor is everything Peter’s afraid of. But Mother and Petrus demand Peter to learn how to live with him, to love and to treat him like family.

Watercolour, ink on triple-layered silk.
Ms. Schwarzswan used to be a part of Humburt’s conscience. But has long been haunting Peter. She is a creature full of desire, ambition, lust, living by instinct. She’s manipulative. She’s why Peter can’t seem to love anybody. She’s the one that had those cockroaches bring dead pigeons to Mr. Tumor.
![[9] by An Tôn-Thất and _blank_ by Đỗ Tấn Sĩ were composed separately to accompany the paintings of the 9 characters showcased in the exhibition. Inspired by the paintings, both composers create their musical piece. The point was to suggest some, am](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5853e315ebbd1abde9c8f80b/1491937854889-88ZOX57XWPR9KT2A8X32/exhibition+music.jpg)
[9] by An Tôn-Thất and _blank_ by Đỗ Tấn Sĩ were composed separately to accompany the paintings of the 9 characters showcased in the exhibition.
Inspired by the paintings, both composers create their musical piece. The point was to suggest some, among many, ways of interpretation that the audience can think of.

"[9] is a musical promenade, composed of 9 musical sketches, one for each of the characters from Tín's paintings. What I particularly appreciate in his work is this child-like imagination which combines the darker side of western fairy tales with contemporary Asia, an acute sense of details and mood. [9] is like a sonic landscape which invites the viewer to open up his mind and enter the world of each character. Each sketch is led by a particular musical element: piano, cello, strings, harp, synthesizers, breathing, percussion, electronic sounds and rhythms, playing alone or with others. I hope that in the end, the border between imagination and reality won't be so clear."

"At the beginning of the project, Tín contacted me for a collaboration proposal. He asked me to compose a combination of sounds to accompany his silk paintings and in some sense complete them. For 9 paintings I come up with a 22-minute song. The song was a resulf of a constant interaction, exchanging ideas among us. Base on how I feel about each painting, I decide the suitable sounds and consider the pitch and volume according to the characters portraited. Every sounds has its own character that may build each other up or battle against each other. There are percusion, Morse coding beep, cello, piano.. and at certain point you can hear a bit of pentatonic which to me create a particular feeling of Asian music, Vietnamese music to be s percific. Most of these sounds are composed in synthersizing software which in this case I find quite efficient in telling a fictional yet factually seemed story. During the process, I also paid close attention to the way elements interact with each other, which I believe will assist the viewer/audience in reading the story narrated by both visual and audible manner.

There are three walls that create a triangularly shaped room with three entries at each corner. Curtain is installed so that there is no light in the room except those from tracklights. Walls are covered by exclusively designed wallpaper. A speaker is installed on the ceiling, at the center of the room to play music pieces composed by An Tôn-Thất and Đỗ Tấn Sĩ on loop.